Kenya: Mumias Petitioner Says She Withdrew Insolvency Case Under Duress

5 September 2023

Nairobi — The main petitioner in the Mumias Sugar Company insolvency case now says that she withdrew the case under duress and threats to her life.

The petitioner, seeking more than Sh76 million from the sugar mill, made a turnaround after withdrawing from the case on Friday.

Through her lawyer, the petitioner pleaded for audience to revive the matter saying she was intimidated by unnamed state officers who threatened her personal liberty.

In a letter addressed to the Deputy Registrar of the High Court, Jackline Kimeto requested the cancellation of her previous withdrawal notices from the court.

"I am currently being subjected to force, threats of imprisonment, threats to life, and extreme psychological pressure to withdraw the petitions I filed in court on March 2019 without any mention as to how my monies shall be settled in full," a letter dated September 2 read.

The law firm claimed Mumias had failed to honor its end of the bargain, despite making representation in several cases since 2015.

The firm urged the court to expedite the hearing of the matter given its sensitivity by furnishing them with the hearing date.

"Taking cognizance of the ongoing recess, we wish to request you furnish us with a mention date before the honorable judge on a priority case and in any case as soon as the court diary permits," the letter read.

Jaswant Rai withdrawal

The new twist came even as billionaire Jaswant Rai of West Kenya Sugar Company withdrew all his cases against Mumias Sugar at the Court of Appeal.

Rai the owner of West Kenya Sugar Company and his tycoon brother Sarbjit Singh Rai, owner of Uganda-based Sarrai Group had moved to court over the management of Mumias Sugar Company about one year ago.

Speaking during a roadside address in Kakamega County, Ruto who made a five-day tour in the western region issued warnings at those he labeled sugar cartels blaming them for the collapse of the country's sugar industry.

"Let them withdraw the court case and move out," Ruto who asked sugar cartels to choose between leaving the country, going to jail or heaven, said.

His sentiments however raised an uproar with elicited reactions emerging over the intentions of his words.

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