Involve Children in Climate Change Action, Young Natalie Urges Summit

Family picture of the African Leaders at the three-day Africa Climate Summit from September 4th to 6th 2023 in nairobi.
4 September 2023
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African Development Bank (Abidjan)

Natalie Silantoi Anyango shaking hands with Akinwumi Adesina at the Africa Youth Climate Assembly 2023. Children must be given a front seat in climate solution discussions, Natalie says.

At the close of the Africa Youth Climate Assembly 2023, eleven-year-old Natalie Silantoi Anyango, gave a captivating address that sent the participants into deep reflection. Silantoi, who holds the title of Mini Miss Environment Kenya, called for urgent climate action, terming it as everybody's responsibility. She gave her insights into the climate change problem in the Q&A below:

What motivated you to contest for Mini Miss Environment Kenya?

It is my passion for environmental matters.

After attending the Africa Youth Climate Assembly 2023, what message do you have for children like you?

Children must be involved in climate change action. So as children if we start now, I think the environment will be in a better place in future.

What lessons have you learned from the summit?

I have learnt a lot of things; that all of us can make a difference in the environment and in addressing climate change in our own small ways; from picking up candy wraps to planting a tree. The problem of climate change affects all of us; and climate solutions require all of us to be responsible and act.

What message do you have for African leaders?

They should support climate change action and they should make children part of it. Children are the future, and they must be given a front seat in climate solution discussions.

What is your message for the world?

Africa is bleeding; Africa is in pain, because of the effects of climate change. Unless we help to mitigate the effects of climatic change, we stand a little chance of fulfilling the UN SDG's (Sustainable Development Goals). We need to stop global warming, first by ending open burning of waste. This has to be addressed urgently.

What is your picture of an ideal Africa?

I dream of a Plastic free Africa.

I dream of an Africa free from Fossil fuels.

I dream of a green and clean Africa.

I dream of a 'Wangari Maathai's Africa.

To achieve all this, we need to speak in a United African Voice, formulate laws and policies to protect our continent and put in the work to restore our ecosystems.

And in the words of Barack Obama, I will say "YES WE CAN".

Natalie Silantoi Anyango runs an initiative called My Environment My Responsibility, where she distributes dustbins to populated areas like bus stops, schools and children homes. She also leads tree planting exercises in schools and in Menengai Forest in Nakuru, within the Rift Valley in Kenya.

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