Africa: Humanity's Survival 'Depends On Our Cooperation' - Outgoing General Assembly President

5 September 2023

The 77th session of the UN General Assembly closed on Tuesday morning in New York, with outgoing President Csaba Kõrösi underscoring that amid geopolitical rivalries, cooperation among countries is indispensable.

"Our survival depends on our cooperation," he said, pointing to global road blocks such as accelerating climate change, biodiversity loss, education and gender inequality.

"Let us put money where our promises are," he added, urging governments to translate actions for sustainable development into budgeting policies, national regulations and capacity building.

The 77th session, which formally commenced on 13 September last year, was distinguished by high-level events including the UN Water Conference in March that adopted a milestone action plan to protect and preserve the vital resource.

The session also saw important deliberations on disaster risk reduction, ensuring justice for all, inclusive societies, universal health coverage, and sustainable consumption and production.

Upholding the Charter

Assembly President Kõrösi recalled the three "pillars" of the United Nations - peace and security, development, and human rights - and with conflicts raging around the world, asked if the UN Charter was really being upheld worldwide.

"The war in Ukraine - along with other 51 armed conflicts - must end, in line with the UN Charter and international law," he declared, calling also for an end to nuclear proliferation and the nuclear arms race.

Future-proof solutions

Mr. Kõrösi highlighted the need for integrated, holistic solutions that not only address current challenges but also protect against those in the future.

"We know that stand-alone processes will only deliver stand-alone results," he said, reiterating the importance of financing and international cooperation.

Times a changin'

Mr. Kõrösi outlined the need for key UN bodies including the General Assembly and the Security Council, to reform and evolve.

"The world's first passenger jet aircraft carried 36 passengers in 1952. It was a breakthrough in technological development," he said.

"That doesn't mean that we can use it today to take us to Mars...Times are evolving, and this Organization must evolve with them."

Oath of office

Following the speech of the outgoing President inside the ornate General Assembly Hall, Dennis Francis, President-Elect of the 78th session, took the oath of office of the presidency, vowing to discharge its responsibilities to the best of his ability.

Thereafter, President Kõrösi formally handed the famous, ornate wooden gavel over to his successor, and adjourned the meeting.

The first meeting of the 78th session of the General Assembly is scheduled to convene at 3 PM, Eastern Daylight Time (7 PM GMT), on Monday. Coverage to follow.

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