South Africa: Exclude ANC Members Named in State Capture Report From Parliamentary List - Veterans League

While the nomination of candidates for the ANC's provincial and national parliamentary lists is under way, the party's Veterans League says that it is against the selection of any individuals implicated in State Capture.

The ANC Veterans League has proposed excluding those implicated in Chief Justice Raymond Zondo's State Capture Report from its parliamentary lists for the 2024 election, which would affect MPs including ANC Chairperson Gwede Mantashe and National Executive Committee (NEC) members Malusi Gigaba, Zizi Kodwa and Thabang Makwetla.

Mantashe is the mineral resources minister, Kodwa is the arts and culture minister and Makwetla is the deputy minister in the Department of Defence and Military Veterans.

Mantashe and Kodwa have stated their intention to take the findings of the State Capture Inquiry on judicial review.

Veterans League president Snuki Zikalala told Daily Maverick there should be no exceptions when it came to dealing with members involved in wrongdoing.

The ANC previously announced it would refer to the party's National Disciplinary Committee all those named in the State Capture Report who had not presented themselves to the party's Integrity Commission.

"Those on the lists must be electable and society must have confidence that they will not put their dirty hands in the cookie jar, [that] they are skilled, ethical and competent to deal with our serious economic challenges that confront the poor on a daily basis.

"This is what renewal means to...

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