Kenya Calls on NGOs and PBOs to Align Operations With President Ruto's Development Agenda

9 September 2023

Nairobi — The Kenyan government has issued a call to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Public Benefits Organizations (PBOs) to realign their operations with the country's development priorities, as outlined in President William Ruto's bottom-up economic agenda.

In a statement released by Interior Permanent Secretary Raymond Omollo, the government expressed concerns about what it sees as a significant misalignment in the management of international donor funds.

The current system, the government argues, tends to prioritize the interests of donor countries over Kenya, the host country. Omollo's statement emphasized the need for a more effective approach that supports Kenya's national development goals and ensures ownership of development plans within the country.

The Interior Ministry has already shared this communication with all NGOs and PBOs operating in Kenya.

The government's position is that the existing donor aid management system could potentially weaken Kenya's ability to monitor and manage the aid received by these organizations accurately.

"In light of the above, the Government has formally notified all NGOs and PBOs in the country to comply with this requirement and align their operations with Kenya's development priorities, as outlined in the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA)," stated Omollo.

This move, according to the government, aims to foster greater collaboration and synergy among various parties involved in the aid industry, ensuring that donor aid yields positive impacts for Kenya and its local communities.

The government has underlined that these changes in the management of NGOs and PBOs are part of its broader efforts to combat illicit financial flows and address issues related to criminal and terrorist financing activities.

As NGOs and PBOs contemplate these changes, the government's focus remains on driving development that empowers Kenyan communities and aligns with President Ruto's economic vision for the nation.

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