Uganda: We Want Museveni to Step Down or Negotiate His Exit - Bobi Wine

President Yoweri Museveni.
9 September 2023

The Opposition National Unity Platform president Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu alias Bobi Wine has said that the aim of his upcountry tours is to awaken the people to demand an end to Museveni rule.

Bobi Wine said he is not seeking votes for an election but rather wants the people to realise they have the ability to end Museveni's grip on power.

Bobi said the statements while appearing on a television interview Saturday morning.

"I am speaking to the people, not in search of votes or for campaigning purposes, but to remind them that they hold the power to remove Museveni. We should find ways for him to step down or engage in negotiations for his exit," he said.

Bobi says that he intends to achieve this by transforming the crowds that are being mobilised for his country tours into galvanised action.

"We aim to transform the support we have in terms of numbers and crowds into tangible action. We want people, like those who turned up in our mobilisation drives, to rise up and actively demand change because it is acceptable," he said.

According to Bobi Wine, he needs only about 50,000 people from the population to peacefully demonstrate against Museveni.

"We have a population of over 45 million, and if approximately 50,000 of us peacefully demonstrate, we have the potential to remove Museveni's government, just as they did in Tunisia, Sudan, Egypt, and Burkina Faso. I share this message with fellow Ugandans because I believe in our capacity to achieve this goal through non-violent means," he urged.

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