Ethiopia: News - Patriarch Denounces Use of Destructive Weapons, Calls for Peace and National Unity in New Year Address

Addis Abeba — His Holiness Abune Mathias of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC), in his New Year message, called for the incoming year to be greeted with a conscious effort to prevent the challenges of the past year from persisting, while emphasizing that weapons which have taken human lives should be stored away.

"In the new year, all weapons which take human lives must go into the storehouse. The sovereignty, independence and unity of the country and the people must be upheld by resolving problems through discussion or by law," the patriarch conveyed.

His Holiness underscored the significance of introspection and unity as the nation welcomes the new year. He emphasized that harmful tendencies that have affected human lives over the past year need to be addressed and eliminated.

Reflecting on the adversities of the past year, the Patriarch encouraged Ethiopians to contemplate the essence of the new year and its significance if lessons from the past are not heeded. He highlighted the need to address the mutual suspicions that have emerged among Ethiopians concerning their religion, culture, history, economy, society, and politics.

He emphasized the importance of moving on from a painful past and entering the new year with a reinforced sense of purpose. He advocated for conflicts to be resolved through dialogue or legal means, and for the nation's sovereignty, independence, and unity to be protected.

For enduring national unity, the Patriarch pointed to the importance of upholding the rule of law, promoting equality, ensuring mutual benefits, supporting the vulnerable, alleviating the hardships of the less fortunate, and offering solace to victims when feasible.

Abune Mathias expressed in his message a fervent hope that by adopting these principles in the new year, peace would return, filling the country with blessings. He appealed in the name of God for people to renounce their destructive weapons and engage in peaceful dialogues to preserve the nation's unity.

In conclusion, he conveyed his aspirations for the forthcoming year to be one of peace, love, reconciliation, and forgiveness, where those who've lost will find their way back, the afflicted will find comfort, and where justice and mercy will dominate, overshadowing any sounds of conflict.

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