Zimbabwe: Illegitimate, Dangerous Dynasty! - Opposition Fumes After Mnangagwa Stuffs Cabinet With Family, Loyalists

11 September 2023

OPPOSITION Citizen Coalitions for Change (CCC) is steamed up after President Emmerson Mnangagwa appointed his family members and loyalists to ministerial positions.

Mnangagwa announced his new cabinet Monday with his son David Kudakwashe and nephew Tongai getting the Deputy Finance and Deputy Tourism ministers respectively.

His loyalists, couple Christopher and Monica Mutsvangwa were awarded with the Ministry of Veterans of Liberation and of Women Affairs.

Chikomba West MP and Studio 263 actress Tatenda Mavetera credited with establishing the "4ED" affiliate groups which drummed up support for Mnangagwa was rewarded with the ICT Ministry.

Ziyambi Ziyambi who oversaw amendments of the legislation which strengthened Mnangagwa's hold onto power retained his post as Minister of Justice and his right-hand man Owen "Mudha" Ncube fired in 2022 from Minister of State Security post has bounced back as Minister of State for Midlands province.

Conspicuous by his absence from the list is Vice President Constantino Chiwenga who previously doubled as the Minister of Health of Child Care, a post now held by Douglas Mombeshora.

The appointments come days after Mnangagwa conferred his wife, Auxillia with an honorary PhD in Law from the University of Zimbabwe at a recent graduation ceremony.

CCC spokesperson, Promise Mkwananzi described the new cabinet as an "illegitimate and dangerous dynasty".

Three Mnangagwas, two Mutsvangwas in cabinet? An illegitimate & dangerous dynasty.-- Promise Mkwananzi (@pmkwananzi) September 11, 2023

Opposition legislator, Fadzayi Mahere quipped "nyika inovakwa nevana vangu" drawn from the popular Zanu PF mantra "nyika inotongwa nevene vayo".

"Nyika inotongwa nevana vangu."-- Fadzayi Mahere🇿🇼 (@advocatemahere) September 11, 2023

Mnangagwa's lawyer Tinomuda Chinyoka however defended the "nepotism", highlighting David Kudakwashe's qualifications.

The replies! You would think his parentage was his qualification. THE LAZY FACT: The Deputy Minister is David Mnangagwa, the President's son. THE OBJECTIVE FACT: The Deputy Minister of Finance has a Bachelor Laws degree from the University of Zimbabwe and a Bachelor of... https://t.co/sH0a6A1nJ1 pic.twitter.com/8Y6JC0w4R0-- Sheikh Tinornuda waTinoziva (@TinoChinyoka) September 11, 2023

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