Kenya: ICT Authority Rolls Out Applications for Short ICT Courses Targeting Women, Youths

13 September 2023

Nairobi — ICT Authority has rolled out applications for the presidential Digital Talent programme targeting women, persons living with disabilities as well as people in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL).

The initiative seeks to equip 400 young Kenyans with an array of ICT skills, namely network and infrastructure, software development and artificial intelligence (AI), graphic design and digital marketing, as well as data analysis.

The authority says that the initiative is anchored on the government's endeavor to scale up employability and entrepreneurship opportunities for young people in the country.

"Through the Presidential Digital Talent Internship Program (PDTP), the Government of Kenya continues to produce high skilled ICT labour for the industry," said ICT Authority CEO Stanley Kamanguya.

He added that digital skills are prerequisites for benefiting from technology across all sectors of the economy and at all levels of the skill spectrum.

This, he adds, will go a long way in ensuring a robust economic turnaround by bringing on board different skills that will, in turn, enable both the government and the private sector to tap into

The program is set to run for a period of 12 months.

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