Uganda: 12 Feared Dead After Soroti Hospital Oxygen Machine Breaks Down

A medical oxygen tank (file photo).
12 September 2023

Reports are emerging that at least 12 people are feared to have died since Friday at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital due to the breakdown of the oxygen machine.

The ordeal began when the vital oxygen machine at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital suffered a critical malfunction, rendering it inoperative.

Soroti hospital not only serves the immediate community but also two other referral hospitals, namely Lira and Moroto.

The tragic loss of over 12 lives since Friday plunged the community into mourning.

The situation of the malfunctioning oxygen machine was confirmed by the hospital principal administrator Benzy Omoya. He, however, declined to reveal further how the hospital is managing without this critical piece of machinery.

Soroti City MP Jonathan Ebwalu said he was aware of the situation but had been informed that the number of people who may have lost their lives is closer to 15.

Unfortunately, this is not the only challenge the hospital is struggling to handle. The hospital continues to operate despite intermittent power supply.

Within children's ward at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital, a quiet but resilient battle unfolds every day. Here, patients find themselves in an unusual circumstance, navigating the challenges of congestion with darkness and an unwavering spirit of endurance.

Patients and their caregivers find themselves operating in near-darkness.

Patients in this ward have adopted the use of touch-sensitive devices, such as mobile phones and tablets, as their sources of light.

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