Rwanda: Best 2022/2023 PLE, O-Level Students Reveal Secret to Success

12 September 2023

The Ministry of Education celebrated and awarded 10 top performers in the national examinations for the academic year 2022-2023 on Tuesday, September 12.

The 10 best Primary Leaving Examinations and Ordinary Level performers were recognized for their academic performance. The top five students in each category took home laptop computers, school bags, essential educational materials, and an entire year of tuition fee waivers, courtesy of Umwalimu Sacco.

Minister of Education Gaspard Twagirayezu said: "We are always delighted to host and celebrate our top-performing students, acknowledging their relentless efforts. Our hope is that their remarkable achievements will serve as an inspiration to their younger siblings and peers, encouraging them to pursue academic excellence.

"We extend our warm welcome and gratitude to partners like Umwalimu Sacco, whose commitment to recognizing outstanding students contributes significantly to our educational endeavors."

The top five in PLE and O-Level exams are: Regis Kwizera from EP Espoir Lavenir in Bugesera District, Herve Cyubahiro from Crystal Fountain Academy in Kamonyi District, Bruce Jooss Dushimiyimana from Ecole Primaire Highland in Bugesera District, Benjamin Cyubahiro Igiraneza from Ecole Privee Marie Auxiliatrice in Nyarugenge District, and Sandra Sibo Iratuzi from Keystone School in Musanze District.

In O-Level, the best five are Kelie Umutoniwase from Fawe Girls School in Gasabo District, Kevinne Niyikora Ihimbazwe from Lycee Notre Dame de Citeaux in Nyarugenge District, Annick Uwacu Niyubahwe from Maranyundo Girls School in Bugesera District, Danny Mike Ganza Rwabuhama from Ecole de Science Byimana in Ruhango District, and Kevin Munyentwari from Petit Seminaire Saint Jean Paul II in Nyamagabe District.

Secrets to success

Adolphe Habimana, the father of Herve Cyubahiro, the second-ranked student in PLE, expressed his joy, saying: "I'm very happy for my son. He's had this dream for a while now, and he has finally achieved it.

"We also thank the government and Umwalimu Sacco for contributing to awarding these kids. This not only alleviates the load for us parents but also motivates other students to perform well for future awards."

Danny Mike Ganza Rwabuhama, the fourth-ranked student in O-Level exams, attributed his success to his school's support.

He said: "My school played a big role in motivating me to succeed. It's like I'm representing my colleagues here; they all did well. Coupled with extra preparations and praying to God, I don't think there's any more secret."

His mother, Fifina Emerthe Tumukunde, was so happy.

She said: "My son performed well, and we were assured by the ministry that they [students] have already been oriented to their respective schools.

"Now, as parents, we're doing all we can to meet the date for sending our kids to school. These prizes will come in handy."

Sandra Sibo Iratuzi, the fifth-ranked student in PLE and the only girl in the top five, proudly said: "I'm glad I performed very well and am currently here representing my female counterparts.

"Even though I'm the only one in the top five, you heard girls performed better than boys overall. We're glad for the push in education."

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