Kenya: President Ruto Jets Out for a Visit to the U.S.

14 September 2023

Nairobi — President William Ruto has departed from the country on Wednesday for a visit to the United States.

In a statement issued by State House Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed, Ruto's visit underscores Kenya's commitment to tech innovation and its pivotal role as a trade partner with the United States.

President Ruto will visit Silicon Valley in San Francisco, where he will meet with tech leaders of Microsoft, Intel, Google and Apple, among others.

"The visit aims to enhance investment opportunities and trade relations United States with a particular focus on nurturing Kenya's thriving start-up sector known as the 'Silicon Savanah'," he said.

The head of state will emphasize Kenya's young talent, green energy initiatives and its value as an alternative supply chain for American companies.

President Ruto will thereafter attend the 78th United Nations General Assembly session in NewYork.

"The Global gathering will assess progress towards the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), address critical global challenges such as the climate crisis and debt concerns in the Global South," Hussein added.

The Head of State will also take part in the Climate Ambition meeting hosted by the UN Secretary-General, building on the achievements of the just-completed Africa Climate meeting in Nairobi.

"On the sidelines of General Assembly, President Ruto will chair a session of the Committee of African Heads of States and Government on Climate Change and participate in discussions on the High-level Pannel for Sustainable Ocean Economy," Hussein added.

Ruto will also hold bilateral meetings with world leaders during the visit.

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