Uganda: Kyabazinga Celebrates Ninth Anniversary With Strong Message Against Unscrupulous Land Deals

14 September 2023

In a resplendent celebration marking his ninth coronation anniversary, the Kyabazinga of Busoga, William Gabula Nadiope IV, issued a stern warning to his subjects, urging them to steer clear of purchasing kingdom land from unscrupulous individuals.

The grand festivities, held at Namungalwe in Kigulu Chiefdom, which is now part of Iganga District, were a vibrant testament to his nine years of reign at the helm of Busoga Kingdom.

The jubilant occasion began with Kyabazinga Gabula Nadiope IV's arrival at Namungalwe play grounds in Iganga District, where his subjects welcomed him with jubilant ululations.

In a symbolic gesture aligned with this year's theme for the coronation anniversary, "harnessing environment through tree planting," the Kyabazinga planted a tree to emphasise the importance of environmental conservation.

Following the tree planting ceremony, Kyabazinga Gabula Nadiope IV participated in the time-honored ritual of drumming the royal drums, a tradition that has deep historical significance in the kingdom.

Notable guests extended their congratulations to His Majesty the Kyabazinga on the occasion, with a special mention from 1st Deputy Prime Minister Rebecca Kadaga, who conveyed President Yoweri Museveni's best wishes on the Kyabazinga's recent marriage.

Kadaga also took the opportunity to reprimand those spreading malicious rumors regarding the new Inhebantu of Busoga, Queen Jovia Mutesi.

"I want to assure the public that the newly unveiled Queen Jovia Mutesi is going to be the queen of Busoga, and so I want to ask the public to leave that matter," Kadaga asserted.

In a significant part of his message, the Kyabazinga of Busoga used the platform to caution his subjects against engaging in land transactions involving Kingdom land with unscrupulous individuals.

He underscored the importance of environmental preservation, advocating for the planting of trees, fruits, and locally cherished medicinal plants. The Kyabazinga expressed confidence that this environmental initiative would contribute to the region's development and enhance the health of its people.

Kyabazinga Gabula Nadiope IV also took the opportunity to acknowledge the support of private and government institutions in making the coronation anniversary a success.

Institutions like the Banana Industrial Research Development Centre (BIRDC) and the National Drug Authority donated medical beds, while the Presidential initiative on Banana Industrial Development contributed to the festivities, including providing a cake that the Kyabazinga personally served to his people.

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