Uganda to End Costly Clinker Imports in Move Towards Self Reliance

16 September 2023

In a significant move towards self-sufficiency and economic empowerment, Uganda is poised to halt its costly imports of clinker, a crucial raw material used in cement production.

This development comes on the heels of the groundbreaking ceremony for a state-of-the-art factory in Karamoja, which will not only produce cement but also clinker, President Museveni announced.

Uganda has historically spent a staggering $300 million on importing clinker for the country's cement manufacturing industries. However, this financial drain is expected to cease following the inauguration of a new cement factory in Karamoja, an endeavor championed by President Museveni.

Speaking on this groundbreaking initiative, President Museveni underscored the economic benefits it will bring to the nation. "Uganda will soon stop importing clinker," he affirmed, highlighting the country's shift towards self-reliance and reduced dependence on foreign markets.

The project's timeline outlines that the first phase will conclude by 2025, with an impressive production capacity of six thousand tons of clinker per day and an annual output of one million tons of cement.

This ambitious endeavor promises to not only fulfill Uganda's domestic cement needs but also potentially position the country as a regional supplier.

Hannington Karuhanga, Director of West International Holding, expressed optimism about the venture's prospects, stating, "This project marks a significant milestone in Uganda's industrial development and economic growth."

Zhang Jimin, Chairman of West China Company, emphasized the importance of the factory in bolstering Uganda's manufacturing sector, envisioning it as a catalyst for national economic transformation.

During discussions surrounding the project, President Museveni emphasized that the Karamoja factory would bring meaningful inclusivity to the local Karamojong community, integrating them into the national economy and improving their livelihoods.

Local leaders have welcomed the project with open arms, recognizing it as a tangible demonstration of the government's commitment to uplifting the people of Karamoja.

Francis Lorika Adome, Member of Parliament for Moroto Municipality, expressed his approval, stating, "This initiative signifies a pivotal moment in our region's development, and we are grateful for the government's unwavering support."

Norman Ochero Jimbricky, MP for Labwor County, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the positive impact of the factory on the people of Karamoja and their prospects for a more prosperous future.

As Uganda takes bold strides towards self-reliance in cement production, the Karamoja Cement Factory represents not only an economic boon but also a symbol of the nation's determination to foster economic growth and prosperity for all its citizens.

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