Kenya Exports First Consignment of Avocados to India

18 September 2023

Nairobi — Kenya has exported its first batch of avocados to India as the country seeks to expand its market in Asia.

Kenya Airways (KQ) Cargo shipped the consignment today from the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi.

The exports open new market opportunities for local avocado farmers.

"Kenya exports the first consignment of avocado to India, opening up new markets for avocado farmers," KQ announced on its LinkedIn page.

"We are glad that Kenya Airways Cargo is giving the required logistics support to ensure that Kenya is able to leverage on this new exciting opportunity for farmers, exporters and fresh produce associations."

Agrofood processor Kakuzi last year began exporting its first cargo of Hass variety avocados to Shanghai, China.

The export of fresh avocados to China follows the early January signing of two protocols to facilitate bilateral trade, mainly the export of avocados and aquatic products from Kenya to China, by Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya and Chinese Ambassador Zhou Pingjian.

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