Uganda: NUP Rallies Are Blocked and Not Music Concerts Because of Bobi Wine's Recklessness, Says Museveni

18 September 2023

President Museveni has responded to claims that it is double standards for security to allow music concerts to go on but block the rallies of National Unity Platform's president Robert Kyagulanyi, also known as Bobi Wine.

Responding to a comment from one of the social media commentators, Museveni insisted that there is nothing like double standards but rather an issue of recklessness and indiscipline on the side of Kyagulanyi and the NUP supporters.

"Then Labisa says that Bobi Wine's rallies are being stopped while concerts are allowed in spite of the threat of terrorist bombs. This is an issue of discipline," Museveni said on social media.

Following the successful musical battle between Cinderella Sanyu also known as Cindy and Sheebah Karungi, Kyagulanyi took to social media to take a swipe at security and government at large over double standards.

"Very importantly, I hope we can all see that the fake bomb scare was a creation of the panicky regime to block our activities," he stated.

Kyagulanyi expressed hope that the police would not claim that terrorists only appear during NUP tours while other gatherings continue without incident.

He insisted that the police have no right to grant or deny permission for public assemblies.

However, commenting about the matter, President Museveni said the rallies were stopped because of recklessness.

"The concerts are prepared, the areas cordoned off, people entering the venue go through checks, etc. Bobi Wine's conduct is irresponsible, just like they increased the infection of corona through the same recklessness. That is how we lost 3,291 people. Prior to those reckless rallies, we had lost only about 300people," he said.

Kyagulanyi last week said the NUP will continue with the second phase of their countrywide mobilization tours, despite the police directive to stop them.

"As soon as we announced our mobilisation activities, they immediately started issuing those terror threats, which we believe were intended to block us from doing activities in the Kampala Metropolitan area. We were not surprised when they came up with other excuses. To obey them would be to betray and commit an offence against our people," Bobi Wine said.

On Monday, police spokesperson, Fred Enanga dared Kyagulanyi and the National Unity Platform to defy the police directive on the mobilization tour.

"They have defiantly continued to say and show that they will proceed with the second phase of the mobilisation tours but we have to inform them that as police we are ready to ensure anyone who defies our directive is dealt with.As police, we have a duty to police public meetings and ensure Ugandans and visitors enjoy a safe and secure environment. We will not rest until those who want to use violence and lawlessness are brought to justice in this country," Enanga said.

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