Zimbabwe: Zanu-PF Activists Arrested After Demonstrating At Party's Headquarters

22 September 2023

Twelve Zanu PF supporters were jailed Thursday after they allegedly engaged in public violence at the party's headquarters on Tuesday.

They include Melisa Master (27)and others who held a protest demanding that Zanu PF's Harare Youth Chairperson Emmanuel Mahachi should be dismissed.

The 12 were arraigned before Harare Magistrate Apolonia Marutya and were not asked to plead.

They were remanded in custody and will return to court this Friday for their bail application.

According to the State, on September 19 the twelve went to Zanu-PF headquarters calling for the removal of Mahachi from his post.

Prosecutors allege that the accused disturbed the peace, security, or order of the public by chanting Zanu PF party slogans.

It is alleged that they were chanting "Mahachi must go", and "Pasi neGwekwerere while holding placards written the same.

"They were wearing black t-shirts inscribed "Mahachi must go".

"The accused were told by the police to stop what they were doing but they turned a deaf ear and continued to act in common purpose to disturb peace," reads court papers.

The suspects were arrested at the crime scene before they were detained at Harare Central police station.

Master's accomplices are Ireen Makuvire (50), Ernest Thuola (35), Tinashe Nheya (27), Prince Chatendeuka (36), Tafara Rusere (30), Edson Chabvuta (30), Larson Masenda (43), Rosewiter Munhava (34), Wellington Mutsvangwa (32), Blessed Kadumba (28), and Portia Mhishi (35).

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