Kenya's President Ruto Warns of Undesirable Global Direction Without Multilateralism at UN

21 September 2023

Nairobi — Kenyan President William Ruto delivered a thought-provoking speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Thursday, warning about the world's dangerous trajectory and the critical role of multilateralism in averting catastrophe.

He outlined the profound challenges facing humanity and emphasized the urgent need for global cooperation and solidarity, without which "we will all suffer".

He particularly expressed his concerns about the world's current trajectory, emphasizing the critical need for multilateralism, international collective action, and global solidarity to address the pressing challenges humanity faces today.

"We may all agree, without any fear of contradiction, that the world is headed in a most undesirable direction. It is moments like this that the affirmative spirit of multilateralism, international collective action and global solidarity is most needed and should be attainable," he said.

President Ruto began by acknowledging the prevailing global anxieties about security, dignity, and well-being, which affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide. He stressed the importance of multilateralism in addressing these issues and achieving positive outcomes.

The Kenyan President who has been in office for a year, cited the UN Secretary-General's depiction of the world's condition, highlighting the stark contrast between the ideals of multilateralism and the current state of affairs.

He attributed the poverty, fear, suffering, and humanitarian distress plaguing conflict-ridden regions to a neglect of humanity's fundamental values.

President Ruto pointed out that the failure of peace and security systems, limited climate action, and inadequate development efforts have left the world in a state of paralysis. He argued that the ICC's dysfunction and lack of inclusivity undermine its ability to deliver meaningful progress in its current form.

"Moments like now place the nature and purpose of multilateralism under sharp scrutiny for history's honest examination and judgement. If any confirmation was ever needed that the United Nations Security Council is dysfunctional, undemocratic, non-inclusive, un-representative and therefore incapable of delivering meaningful progress in our world as presently constituted, the rampant impunity of certain actors on the global scene settles the matter," he told the attentive Assembly of top world leaders who have been gathering for the annual UN week in New York.

He criticized the existing geopolitical divisions and cliques, emphasizing that they defy the UN's fundamental values and lead to alienation, mistrust, insecurity, and exclusion among nations.

President Ruto called for a reevaluation of multilateralism's nature and purpose, emphasizing that the United Nations Security Council's current structure is dysfunctional and incapable of addressing global challenges effectively.

He also highlighted the pervasive mistrust between various global factions, attributing it to unfulfilled promises, unmet commitments, disregarded resolutions, and unobserved principles. President Ruto argued that multilateralism had been undermined by trust abuses, negligence, and impunity.

The President reiterated his call for a transformation of the UN system to create a consensus-driven, rule-based multilateral system that works for people worldwide. He emphasized that stability, peace, and security are the foundation for sustainable development and climate action.

President Ruto shared examples of progress in conflict resolution across Africa, highlighting the importance of peace-building efforts. He commended initiatives like the Juba Peace Agreement in Sudan, the Inter-Congolese Dialogue in Nairobi, and reconciliation efforts in Somalia and Somaliland.

He also mentioned Kenya's proactive role in peace efforts, including dispatching an African Peace Delegation to Moscow and Kiev to initiate mediation between Russia and Ukraine.

President Ruto expressed solidarity with Haiti, calling attention to the suffering endured by its people. He emphasized the need for international support to help Haiti regain its footing, especially in terms of security.

He stressed that stability, peace, and security are prerequisites for achieving sustainable development and climate action. President Ruto called for a comprehensive approach that treats these initiatives as interconnected and mutually reinforcing dimensions of a single agenda.

President Ruto emphasized that climate action and sustainable development must be pursued simultaneously and with greater urgency. He noted that climate shocks hinder meaningful development, creating a vicious cycle of resource diversion from both development and climate action.

He highlighted Africa's potential, including its youthful population, renewable energy resources, mineral wealth, and vast natural capital. President Ruto urged investments in Africa's green growth opportunities.

The President called for a reform of the international financial system to address debt distress in vulnerable countries. He stressed the need for concessional financing, liquidity support through Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), and a reorganization of financial markets.

President Ruto proposed the establishment of a global public climate financing mechanism funded by a global carbon tax on fossil fuel trade and emissions levies on aviation and maritime transport. He called for the creation of a new global climate finance charter by 2025.

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