Mauritius: PM Outlines Mauritius' Stand for Revitalised Multilateralism and Renewed Confidence in International Institutions

press release

The Prime Minister, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, addressed the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), today, in New York, and elaborated on several pressing matters for Mauritius and the planet's future.

In his address, the Prime Minister highlighted the current challenges such as post COVID-19 pandemic recovery, conflicts, climate crisis and constraints regarding access to international financing. He, thus, called for a strengthening of multilateralism, while observing that the functioning of international bodies such as the UN or the composition of its Security Council be reviewed, so that they can respond effectively to current challenges and inspire confidence.

Speaking about the climate crisis, Mr Jugnauth affirmed that the country is already experiencing the effects of climate change. He cited as example the annual rise in sea level which is 5.6 millimeters for Mauritius, almost twice as much as the world average which is 3.3 millimeters.

He reiterated Mauritius's will is to pursue the necessary efforts so as to mitigate the effects of climate change and to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% and produce 60% of its energy through renewable sources by 2030.

As a means to achieve these objectives, affirmed the Prime Minister, access to international financing remains a necessity. He, thus, urged for more lenient access criteria, which, according to him, can no longer be limited to the Gross Domestic Product per capita of a country. He consequently invited international financial institutions to use the UN multi-dimensional vulnerability index in this decision-making.

As far as the Chagos issue is concerned, Mr Jugnauth underscored that Mauritius is determined to set up a programme for the resettlement of Mauritians, in particular those of Chagossian origin, on the archipelago. He expressed hope that current negotiations with Great Britain will be successful so as to enable the complete decolonisation of the Republic of Mauritius, and called for the support of the international community for the creation of a marine protected area around the Chagos Archipelago.

Moreover, the Prime Minister appealed for a continued friendship between Mauritius and France in order to solve the issue regarding Tromelin, which, he pointed out, is an integral part of the Republic of Mauritius.

He also seized this opportunity to reaffirm his support to the Palestinian people, before adding that an understanding between two States can ensure peace. He, also, expressed hope that Palestinian people can live in peace and freedom in their State.

In addition, the Prime Minister commended the African Union's membership to the G20.

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