Zimbabwe: EU's Withdrawal of Zimbabwe Electoral Commission's Funding Is a Non-Event - Says Zanu-PF

25 September 2023

Zanu PF has scoffed at the European Union's decision to withdraw a US$5 million funding for the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) following the contested August general election describing the move as a non-event.

The ruling party further said the government is capable of funding ZEC without any help.

ZEC was set up as an independent election monitor by the constitution.

Last week, the EU announced that it was withdrawing funds following the conclusion of the polls which were denounced by the EU, Carter Center, SADC, AU Electoral Observer Missions (EOM) in their preliminary reports.

In response, Zanu PF Acting Director of Information Farai Marapira said, "Responding to questions on the intention of ZEC funding withdrawal by the European Union, Zanu PF wishes to make it abundantly clear that it respects the decisions of the EU as an independent body.

"On the same note, Zanu PF is cognizant of the fact that ZEC is a constitutional body funded by the government through the treasury. Withdrawals of any and all additional funding remains a non-event.

"The EU commission is an independent entity which has got its rights to make its own decisions and if they chose to do a rescission of their funding that's their own decision it is not a serious matter for us to consider or to look at.

"ZEC is a constitutionally mandated organization and the government has an obligation to fund all the activities of ZEC and we are capable of doing that by ourselves so whether the EU chooses to fund or not to fund is neither here nor there with us it's a non-event," Marapira said.

Responding to questions on the Intention of Zec Funding Withdrawal by the European Union, Zanu PF wishes to make it abundantly clear that it respects the decisions of the EU as an independent body. On the same note, Zanu PF is cognisant of the fact that ZEC is a constitutional... pic.twitter.com/Bjtu4oQbbe-- Farai Dustee Marapira (@marapira_farai) September 25, 2023

The decision by the EU follows demands for a rerun by the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) which has described the elections as a gigantic fraud.

Zanu PF's President Emmerson Mnangagwa won the election with 52.6 percent ahead of opposition leader Nelson Chamisa who got 44 percent.

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