Africa: Mozambique - Communities Return to Their Areas of Origin With a Shortage of Basic Needs

A woman and her baby who fled their home in northern Mozambique in November 2020 are living in a camp for displaced people (file photo).

The armed conflict in Cabo Delgado continues to exact a toll on civilians and civilian infrastructure. Humanitarian consequences linked to displacement, the destruction of infrastructure and loss of livelihoods continue.

While about 834,000 people are still internally displaced, a total of 1 million people are extremely vulnerable due the impact of the conflict. Moreover, 420,000 people have returned to their places of origin across the province but find themselves similarly vulnerable to those still internally displaced. They face critical needs for livelihoods, shelter, water, food, and other emergency support.

In May 2023, the ICRC opened its new office in Mueda to bring humanitarian assistance to people affected by the armed conflict in the north of Cabo Delgado and to develop a sustained humanitarian dialogue with weapon bearers there.

Across the province, in the first half of 2023, the ICRC, in collaboration with the Mozambican Red Cross (CVM), provided emergency assistance and livelihood support to help internally displaced people (IDPs) and returnees improve their living conditions.

From January to June 2023:

Providing emergency assistance

· Disbursed unconditional cash assistance to 523 vulnerable IDP households (2,615 people) in Marcune IDP site, Montepuez, for them to meet their basic needs.

· Provided essential household items to 2,575 people (515 households) affected by conflict in Nairoto, Montepuez, as well as 100 people (20 households) in the Maringanha area affected by floods in Pemba.

· In collaboration with community leaders and CVM, distributed essential household items to a total of 17,500 returnees (3,500 households) in Mocímboa da Praia to improve living conditions in places of return.

· Supported the capacity building of 43 CVM volunteers and staff in various emergency assistance activities.

Improving access to healthcare

· One healthcare centre in Pemba (Chuiba) has been rehabilitated and completed the second stage of Ibo healthcare centre that upgrades it to a hospital and that will be functioning by the end of 2023.

· Maintained regular support to 11 primary health centres and 1 mobile health unit, and to 13 community health committees in 4 districts of Cabo Delgado (Pemba, Metuge, Montepuez and Ibo).

· 384,257 consultations were registered in primary healthcare centres supported by ICRC

· Trained 242 people on cholera prevention measures and donated 480 buckets and 680 bars of soap to support the cholera response in the province.

· Conducted 4 First Aid trainings for 80 participants in Pemba (Muxara, Ingonane, Mahate) and Namueto in Montepuez.

Improving accessto water and sanitation

· Trained 113 people belonging to water committees of which 84 were committee members, 28 local leaders and 1 technician from the district water and infrastructure authority.

·Capacitated 15 volunteers to train 7 new water committees in Montepuez district to support the management of 10 boreholes drilled at 9 IDP resettlement areas.

Supporting families separated by armed conflict and violence

· Conducted family reunifications of 2 minors and 3 vulnerable adults.

· Conducted a Protection of Family Links (PFL) refresher session for 11 CVM volunteers in Ibo, 1 PFL refresher and 1 training on active search conducted for 6 volunteers in Montepuez.

· Coached 2 CVM volunteers in Mueda and Mocímboa on PFL follow-up.

Visiting peopledeprived of liberty

· Visited 7 places of detention in Maputo, Cabo Delgado, Nampula and Manica provinces to support authorities in improving detention conditions, including treatment of detainees.

· Donated 26 hygiene kits to released detainees and covered transport costs of 16 others.

· Supported Mieze prison farm in Cabo Delgado through provision of an assortment of vegetable seeds, fertilizer, and farming tools, to produce 5,000 kg of vegetables to diversify the diets of the detainees.

· Rehabilitated the sewage system and water distribution supply in Mieze prison in Pemba.

Promoting compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL)

· Provided legal advice to Mozambican authorities on IHL matters, including operationalization of the Inter-ministerial Commission of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, and the creation of an IHL department within the Ministry of Justice.

· More than 100 magistrates and legal aid members graduated with an IHL module.

· Collaborated with the Diplomatic School to include IHL as a mandatory module for under-graduate programs.

Engagement with armed and security forces

·Trained 705 members of the Local Force in Mueda, Muidumbe and Nangade districts, 43 troops from the Southern African Development Community Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM), and 620 troops of the Mozambican Armed Forces (FADM) on IHL.

· Trained 298 FADM troops in IHL at Katembe Mavalane air base and Dongo base under the European Union Training Mission (EUTM) and ICRC technical agreement.

· Organised a high-level two-day workshop on IHL for provincial directors and the national directorate of the Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC).

Working with the mozambique red cross society (CVM)

· Organized and supported movement induction and Safer Access trainings for 25 CVM volunteers and 5 board members.

· Conducted regular technical capacity building for volunteers in health, relief and livelihoods assistance, water distribution and PFL.

· Supported the CVM communication setup. Carried out joint disseminations in communities and trained volunteers in communication.

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