South Africa: DA Demands Probe Into Eastern Cape Capture

29 September 2023

The DA has written to Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane's office asking for a provincial commission of inquiry into state capture.

The DA believes internal organisations in the Nelson Mandela Bay municipality, tasked with beating corruption, have fallen short in their duties. They have given the premier five days to respond.

The letter states that the commission would be in the best interests of residents and should be undertaken as a matter of urgency.

The reason for the inquiry, according to the party, comes from several allegations such as interference with the procurement of service providers, the appointment of municipal officials, disciplinary-related matters, legal disputes or cases, and irregularities in supply chain management processes.

They also want investigations into allegations of corruption in the electricity and energy department, the Mandela Bay Development Agency, and the alleged manipulation of appointments to the expanded public works programme.

DA councillor Retief Odendaal said they had started to see close links between politicians and administrators.

"There are certain politicians who seem to be willing to sacrifice their political careers for administrators and that is foreign and untoward. It makes us believe that certain politicians could be captured by those administrators," said Odendaal.

DA MP Andrew Whitfield said the failure of the Municipal Public Accounts Committee, internal audit committee and the disciplinary board to investigate corruption in the city over the years prompted the party to make this decision.

"They failed either due to a lack of capacity or because they've been captured themselves," said Whitfield.

"As much as we respect the separation of powers, there comes a time when a sphere of government is not operating the way it should. It requires another level of government to intervene."

Whitfield said the DA was removed from power in the metro due to its relentless efforts to fight corruption.

"Every time we touched a nerve, political instability followed," Whitfield said.

Mabuyane could, he said, appoint a commission through the Provincial Commissions Act.

Mabuyane's spokesperson, Yanga Funani, said no correspondence had been received yet.


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