Kenya: Lawyer Ahmednassir Wants IG Koome Probed on Claims Junior Officers Tried to Bribe Him

1 October 2023

Nairobi — Renowned city lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi is calling on Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome to resign for inaction following startling confessions that junior police officers attempted to bribe him.

In a post on his X account, the Senior Counsel demanded that Koome must be held accountable and show steps he took in order to deter such levels of graft in the National Police Service.

Ahmednassir said the IG must reveal the names and the ranks of police officers who allegedly visited his office with the intention of compromising his integrity.

The Senior Counsel added that the IG must also reveal how many police officers have been arrested and are being prosecuted for trying to bribe the police boss.

'THIS CONFESSION BY IG KOOME the police officers have variously tried to bribe him IS SHOCKING...He must answer a few questions:. How many officers are being prosecuted for trying to give you something? If the answer is none...when will you tender your resignation IG KOOME?' Ahmednassir posted.

Speaking on Friday during a meeting with the Head of Public Service Felix Kosgei, The IG admitted that corruption is rife in the NPS, as he recounted that junior officers came to his office to give him proceeds from collecting money.

The National Ethics and Corruption Survey 2021 revealed, the Kenya Police rank first as among government departments and agencies where one is most likely to encounter corruption and unethical practices, at 82.1%.

According to Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, corruption can have detrimental effects on the functioning of a government and the well-being of its citizens.

Corruption often leads to the misallocation of resources, undermines the rule of law, and erodes trust in public institutions.

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