Kenya: Kericho MP Wants the Govt to Build Access Roads in All Roadside Markets

2 October 2023

Nairobi — Kericho Women Representative Beatrice Kemei is sponsoring a motion in the National Assembly to compel the national government to build proper access roads on all roadside markets in the country.

Lack of proper access roads, the MP says, forces buyers and traders to encroach on roadsides, exposing them to dangers from moving vehicles.

"THAT, aware that, the Kenya Roads Act, 2007 mandates the various road authorities to, among other functions, control roads and road reserves, and access to roadside developments; further aware that, market centres are ordinarily constructed along road developments across the country; noting that, due to improper planning, some of the marketplaces have no access roads leading buyers and traders to encroach on the roads and road reserves," she says.

"......appreciating that, proper access roads to market places would ease access by buyers and thereby avert accidents due to the converging of traders and buyers on roadsides, thus enhancing road safety and service delivery while providing opportunities for economic engagement for the traders; now therefore, this House resolves that the Government, through the Ministry of Roads & Transport, develops a framework to ensure that where market centres exist along road developments, appropriate access is provided including service lanes and access roads."

This comes after more than 50 people lost their lives at the Londiani Junction, which is along the Nakuru-Kericho Road, after a truck lost control before plowing traders and customers buying goods as well as those boarding vehicles.

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