Kenya: Lands Ministry Embarks on Audit of Registries to Improve Revenue Collection

2 October 2023

Nairobi — The Ministry of Lands has launched an audit of its registries across the country to enhance service delivery and cash collection.

The audit will be spearheaded by eight teams in an exercise that will take 14 days.

They are to visit Coastal region, Nyanza region, Central region, Western region and the Rift valley.

Lands Principal Secretary Nixon Korir stated that the teams are to confirm and give an accurate report in order to prepare the record keeping, if there is need for expansion and to know the status of the records.

"We will start by scanning all documents we have on the registry in order for them to be available on the electronic platform," he stated.

"If anything was to happen like that of Nyandu where our registry got banned and we lost all the documents we will be able to construct immediately because we will be having the scanned documents."

The team has three main agendas which is to do an audit on status of registry.

They are to assess the readiness of digitization and survey if their maps are amended to assess what they need in order to develop the cadaster.

The team is to ensure they have equipments necessary for digitization to go cashless in all their registry.

"We have rolled out the use of cash in our headquarters for the past three weeks and within the 14 days we intend to go cashless in all our registries" he stated

They are to implement the system called 'Ardhi Pay' which is linked to the e citizen platform which will aid in mitigating loss of revenue.

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