Uganda: Government Commits to Revamp Traditional Schools As Mwiri Makes 112th Years of Existence

2 October 2023

The Minister of Works and Transport Gen. Katumba Wamala has reiterated Government's commitment to tarmac all roads in and around traditional schools across the country.

Gen. Katumba who was giving a keynote address as Chief Guest during Old Boys homecoming at Busoga College Mwiri says plans are underway to give a facelift to all worn-out infrastructure at old government schools.

According to Gen Katumba Wamala, the traditional schools targeted include Busoga College Mwiri, King's College Budo, Gayaza and High School among others.

"We have the commitment to do roads here at Busoga College Mwiri, we have the commitment to do roads at King's College Budo, Gayaza High School and other traditional, so we shall fulfil that commitment as soon as the budget is adjusted," said Katumba Wamala

Gen Katumba emphasized the need for parents to equally groom the boy child as it is done for the girls.

Much emphasis has been put on grooming girls, we are bound to have highly groomed girls marrying very irresponsible men hence such marriages shall not be at peace, I interact with some corporate women who are not ready to get married because they say they can't get married to men who act aa children" he said.

On his part, Rev. Paul Naimanye the Bishop of Busoga Diocese said there is a need for parents to give parental guidance to boys as well, and other stakeholders including Churches should organise seminars for boys as a form of nurturing them.

Miwiri Old Boys homecoming event attracted a number of Old boys including Justice of the Supreme Court Egonda Ntende, and FDC Secretary General Nathan Nandala Mafabi among others who expressed the need to revamp their school by renovating some of the old infrastructure especially those with asbestos roofs.

"Since the government has failed to play its role of revamping our school, let us as Old boys take on the role and renovate the school which nurtured us,"

Dr Daniel Ruhweza, the President Mwiri Old Boys Association said since the government's purse is limited there is a need for Old Boys of Mwiri to come together and revamp their school

Dr Robert Kisubi, also an Old Boy of Busoga College Mwiri called for more mobilisation of OBs to join them since Mwiri groomed many people for the last 112th years of its existence.

The event was climaxed by planting trees across the school championed by ABSA bank

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