Uganda: Talk of Cabinet Reshuffle Gathers Steam As Museveni Hosts Former Big Wigs

4 October 2023

A rumour has been swirling around about President Museveni's considerations for a cabinet reshuffle after sources intimated to Nile Post that the old man with a hat had grown weary of the ineptness of his "fishermen" cabinet.

Indeed, sources revealed that the president had made hints at changing the pack after he retired to Kisozi farm recently, but returned with his hands behind the back, giving an impression that he was still stuck with his crew.

However, the rumour has remained lingering around the corridors of power with many expecting President Museveni to finally discard his cabinet, which has been billed irrelevant to his aspirations, and unsurprisingly also done nothing to disprove the fact.

Sources confirm to Nile Post that the NRM parliament team, working with the caucus and the two speakers have already earmarked members to take over commissions and committees, leaving a huge sample space for the president to pick out the rest for any ministerial positions as he deems fit.

Speaking during the recent caucus, Chief Whip Denis Obua confirmed that members heading committees were winding up their tour of duty and a new team would be expected as of December this year.

Meanwhile, a cabinet reshuffle is in the offing and President Museveni has reportedly been in consultations with many of his old guard in recent weeks, Nile Post has learnt.

According to sources, President Museveni has already had a number of meetings with his former Premier John Patrick Amama Mbabazi, who has been tipped as the incoming Vice President or Prime Minister to replace Nabbanja.

Other sources indicate that President Museveni's meetings with Mbabazi are purely consultative in areas of government business and the NRM secretariat where he is most likely going to send heads packing.

Also, President Museveni has reportedly met with his long-serving minister Sam Kutesa. Kutesa has been viewed previously as an endorser and blesser of ministers and ambassadors.

This gives a hint that the President wants to pick his mind on several appointments both internally and externally.

Also parliament sources intimate that the Speaker Anita Among has been an occasional visitor to President Museveni, on top of receiving several calls from the President.

Nile Post understands that in the visits, Among has been proposing some names, while also walking in with some members of parliament she would fancy as ministers. It should be noted that the Speaker recently said many ministers undermine her office and she would report them to President Museveni.

The President has also met with Professor Gilbert Bukenya, his former Vice President, according to a picture shared by State House social media platforms.

While Bukenya has been away from the cabinet for quite a long, it would not be shocking to see him bounce back or just like the others, he could be purely a consultant in this case.

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