Zimbabwe: Harare Mayor Vows to Push CCC, Zanu-PF Out of Mupedzanhamo

HARARE Mayor, Ian Makone, has vowed to end political turf wars that have led to the closure and disruption of business at the biggest market in the Capital, Mupedzanhamo.

Mupedzanhamo was closed last year after marauding Zanu PF and Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) youths engaged in political battles for control of vending bays at the market.

The area had become a political battleground with CCC and Zanu PF officials demanding money for vendors to conduct their business.

Makone's predecessor, Jacob Mafume, failed to bring sanity in the area despite promising to return Mupedzanhamo to its former self.

In an interview with NewZimbabwe.com after touring Rufaro Stadium Wednesday, Makone said he will ease political tensions at Mupedzanhamo.

"We have to bring stakeholders together. We will work in the interest of the people. That is what I will do anyone, we will do anything that needs to be done in the interest of the people. I know there are interest vested groups and we will work to bring them together and develop a solution," said Makone.

Mupedzanhamo has been turned into a car park after months of it not being used.

Meanwhile, as Cholera continues to spread in Harare, the City Council is battling to provide residents with clean water.

Makone assured residents in the capital of clean water after engaging suppliers of chemicals which he said had run out.

"Yes we are having challenges in the water sector at the moment. We are doing everything possible to ensure that the water chemicals that we require are on hand. We appreciate the present responses that we have received from those that are invested in the water sector," said Makone.

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