Africa: AU Urges Ceasefire in Israel-Palestine Conflict As Death Toll Rises in Raging War

8 October 2023

Nairobi — The African Union has called on Israel and the Hamas militant group to bring an end to the ongoing conflict, which has resulted in hundreds of casualties and thousands injured.

The conflict ensued following rocket attacks by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on Israel, leading to global condemnation and Israel declaring full-scale war in Palestine.

Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union, released a statement Sunday urging the warring parties to return to the negotiating table to implement the resolution by the International Community for two states to coexist peacefully.

"The Chairperson urgently appeals to both parties to put an end to the military and to return, without preconditions, to the negotiating table to implement the principle of two States living side by side," he stressed.

He called upon the international community to assume its responsibility in ensuring a peaceful end to hostilities between the two parties.

"The Chairperson wishes to recall that denial of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people, particularly that of an independent and sovereign State, is the main cause of the permanent Israeli-Palestinian tension," Faki noted.

Kenya's President William Ruto of Kenya denounced the Israel-Palestine conflict, categorically stating that terrorism cannot be justified.

"Kenya strongly maintains that there exists no justification whatsoever for terrorism, which constitutes a serious threat to international peace and security. All acts of terrorism and violent extremism are abhorrent, criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of the perpetrator, or their motivations," Ruto said in a statement.

President Ruto extended his condolences to the families affected by the escalating violence and condemned all acts of terrorism and violent extremism, deeming them "abhorrent, criminal, and unjustifiable," regardless of the perpetrator's motivations.

He called upon the international community to mobilize efforts to hold accountable those responsible for these reprehensible acts of terrorism, including their organizers, financiers, sponsors, supporters, and enablers.

Given the complex and sensitive security context in Israel-Palestine, Kenya called for a ceasefire to halt any further military action between Israel and Palestine, citing the exacerbating tension and the suffering of civilians.

President Ruto urged both parties to refrain from further attacks and work toward a peaceful resolution to end the conflict, recognizing the distressing intentional targeting of civilians and the escalating casualties.

He emphasized the importance of all parties respecting the rights of civilians and abiding by their obligations under international law.

Hamas, the militant group controlling the Gaza Strip, claimed to have captured Israeli officers and soldiers, holding them in "safe places."

In response, the Israeli military launched airstrikes on Hamas sites and headquarters across various regions of the coastal enclave. Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz announced the cutoff of the power supply to the Palestinian enclave following the Hamas attack.

In a national address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared Israel to be "in a state of war" and ordered a full mobilization of reserves.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas held an emergency meeting with key officials, reiterating the Palestinian people's right to defend themselves against Israeli forces and settlers.

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