Uganda: Mbale School Closed After Heavy Storm Blows Off Roof

8 October 2023

Lwalera primary school in Bungokho subcounty Mbale district has been temporarily closed following a heavy storm that blew off the roof on Monday.

The incident that affected a five-classroom block and the headteacher's office saw three pupils from P.6 who were in class having studies injured

"We were writing notes when rain came with heavy storm and before we knew, the roof had been blown off," Remy Obore a injured pupil said.

Robinah Watsemba, the school headteacher says all textbooks and pupils' exercise books were soaked in water as learners and teachers went in disarray in for safety.

Watsemba revealed that the school was declared closed by the Resident District Commissioner with exception of P6 and P7 learners who were asked to return on Tuesday.

The chairperson of the school management committee Stephen Wanyibe described this state of affairs as a big setback to the parents adding that the building whose roof was blown off by the storm was built on efforts of the parents in partnership with district authorities.

"We built the structure and government roofed it under the DDEG program," said the parent.

He noted that currently, parents are financially constrained due to effects of COVID 19, appealing to government and development partners to come to their rescue.

Mbale district education officer Lydia Musungu confirmed the closure of the school, noting that they are awaiting response from the Prime Minister's office adding that the district has no capacity to replace the roof in the shortest possible time.

"We need the engineering department to look at the real damage because when we look at the iron sheets they were completely shattered and they can't be put back. The timber is all broken so it needs a real technical team to come and make bills of quantities to ascertain the amount required to replace the roof ," Musungu said.

"We are sending a report to the office of the prime minister but we have also shared information with oxfarm and other implementing partners for necessary support."

She noted that the district is financially constrained since they are already trying to get funds for three other schools in a similar situation.

"We had Bumanyenya, Bunanimi and Bukhumwa primary schools, so we dont have money but we have a plan. In the plan we are to look around for friends who can be able to help us but the first place we send our information is the office of the prime minister.".

The same storm also blew off the roof of Lwalela Church of Uganda which is a founding body for the school.

Watamba Steven , the head of laity and a synod member revealed that the church needs 100 iron sheets to replace what was blown off and appealed to good Samaritans to support the restoration works for the house of God .

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