Uganda: Museveni Warns RDCs, Sub County Chiefs Over Failure to Implement His Orders, Says He Will Arrest Them

9 October 2023

President Museveni has fired warning shots at Sub-County Chiefs and Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) for failing to implement the President's directives to evict wetland encroachers.

Museveni said that forests, rivers, lakes and water towers in the form of our high mountains of the Rwenzori, the Elgon, the Kigyezi mountains, the Agago hills, and the hills of Ssingo, Kookyi should be protected because they protect us with 3 of the most primary life savers of water, Air and water.

He said that those who have encroached in the wetlands should leave unconditionally because they were aware of the repurcations prior. He claimed that the encroachers of wetlands in Busoga Bukedi and Kigyezi were misled by the previous governments, for instance, the Kibimba Rice scheme.

The President directed RDCs and chiefs to ensure the people vacate wetlands while cautioning those who do not implement his directive risk arrest.

Museveni said rivers like Rwizi, Mpanga, Mayanja, Kafu, Lugogo, Manaafwa, Aswa, Agago, Mpologoma, Mubuku and their tributary wetlands must be protected from those uninformed encroachers.

" Remember that we're mandated by common sense that we must share the water generated in Uganda and what we get from the brother upstream countries South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt".

Museveni said that water should not be a problem in Africa because the Congo River alone produces 3009 billion Cubic metres of water per annum.

Our wonderful Nile at Khartoum only has 85 billion cubic metres per annum and it's this much smaller quantity of water that some of the actors in the Nile Valley spend so much time quarrelling over.

However, President Museveni exempted the factories that have already been built by the investors countrywide but issued an ultimatum to new factories to not tamper in building in the wetlands.

The president also directed the total demolition of residential houses that have been constructed in the wetlands.

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