Kenya to Unveil National Dress By October 10, 2024 - Heritage PS

10 October 2023

Nairobi — Kenya is working to unveil a harmonized national dress by October 2024, the country's State Department for the Arts and Heritage has announced.

Arts and Heritage Principal Secretary Ummi Bashir said Tuesday the plan will be actualized by October 10.

Speaking during the inaugural Utamaduni Day celebrations graced by First Lady Rachel Ruto at the Bomas of Kenya, in Nairobi, Bashir said the department will consult widely before unveiling the outfit.

"Kenya does not have a national dress, do we ? That is something that we are working on and we promise that by next Utamaduni Day, we will consult and we vow to at least have a Kenyan National Dress by then," Bashir stated.

Felix Koskei, the Head of Public Service, echoed Bashir's sentiments, expressing the government's commitment to the success of the national dress project.

"I assure you that we will work day and night to ensure that next time we shall have [a] national dress," Koskei stated.

Embracing diversity

First Lady Rachel Ruto, who was the chief guest at the event, called on Kenyans to explore and experience diverse cultures from various communities across the country.

"As we celebrate this day let it be a reminder of our commitment to loving and supporting brand Kenya, and our diverse cultures," she said.

Rachel said the move would play a critical role in boosting the country's tourism sector.

"Let us take the initiative to explore different counties, immerse ourselves in their unique cultures, and contribute to the growth of domestic tourism in our great and beautiful country," she said.

The public holiday set for October 10, formerly known as Moi Day -- named after Kenya's second President -- was first renamed Huduma Day and later Utamaduni Day in 2020 following the Statute Miscellaneous Amendments Act No. 29 of 2020, to honor and celebrate Kenya's rich cultural diversity.

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