Kenya: CS Kindiki Says Police Officers Who Serve in a Station for More Than 3 Years to Be Transferred

11 October 2023

Nairobi — Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has avvered that police officers who have served for more than three years in a station will be transferred .

Appearing before the floor of the Senate,the Interior Cabinet Secretary mentioned that the process will be immediate with the

National Police Service (NPS) given a maximum of 60 days to implement the directive.

"The directive by the government is that any officer after the 60 days who continues to resist or for whatever reason does not move to a different station, the salary will be stopped. It is that serious," said CS Kindiki.

The Interior Boss insisted that the police transfer policy on duration basis has failed to implemented by different regimes.

He also highlighted that police officers on special assignments their duration timeline will be a maximum of one year.

"For those doing serious operations, normally we move them within one year because of the kinetic and demanding nature of the operations they are involved in," Kindiki said.

Further,Kindiki disclosed plans underway to streamline the supervision of National Police Reservists (NPRs) to counter misuse of the firearms issued to them to help in curtailing banditry.

"NPRs play a pivotal role in supplementing the efforts of security agencies to trace, track, and apprehend criminals, particularly in areas that are bandit-prone and face the risk of terror," he said.

In Samburu county,460 NPR officers have been trained and deployed since November 2022.

In Elgeyo Marakwet County, 153 NPRs have been recruited and will be trained and subsequently deployed.

In Baringo County, 200 NPRs have been recruited and deployed, while in West Pokot County, 205 NPRs have been vetted and will be undertaking training.

In Turkana County, 140 NPRs have been recruited and trained, while another 500 are pending vetting.

In Turkana County, 419 NPRs were recruited, trained, kitted, and deployed.

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