Kenya: Govt to Transform National Government Administration Officials to Boost Efficiency, Service Delivery

11 October 2023

Nairobi — The Kenyan government has reiterated its dedication to bringing about visible changes in the operations of National Government Administration Officials (NGAOs) throughout the country.

In pursuit of this commitment, the government has initiated a comprehensive re-training program for NGAOs to enhance their capacity to deliver efficient and responsive services to the public.

Interior Principal Secretary, Raymond Omollo, disclosed that the government's goal is to equip administrators with the necessary tools and expertise. He emphasized the importance of ensuring that interactions with the public are marked by timeliness, credible information, and a genuine understanding of their needs.

"We have to ensure that every interaction with mwananchi is marked by timeliness, credible information and a genuine understanding of the needs and concerns of the respective jurisdiction," said PS Omollo during the opening ceremony of the re-orientation training forum for Regional and County Commissioners at the Kenya School of Government in Lower Kabete, Nairobi.

The PS stressed the significance of aligning the training with the government's recent organizational restructuring and its evolving approach to governance. As Kenya accelerates the implementation of its Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), PS Omollo underscored the urgent need for NGAOs to grasp the plan and its impact.

Furthermore, he emphasized the government's commitment to raising the bar in performance and delivery management, highlighting the importance of multi-sectoral coordination in planning, monitoring, and delivery of government programs. To effectively address peace, security, and climate change, he called for improved inter-governmental relations and stakeholder engagement at the devolved units.

The PS challenged government officials at the grassroots level to lead in conducting regular public participation for National Government projects and programs, promoting transparency and accountability. He called upon senior administrators to share the lessons learned and experiences from the training with all NGAO cadres to enhance service delivery and unity of purpose.

PS Omollo also reminded government officials to adhere fully to the country's legal and regulatory frameworks on governance, financial management, and reporting. He noted that NGAOs play a pivotal role in maximizing the impact of targeted investments and urged them to provide leadership during the re-orientation program's rollout.

The PS reaffirmed the government's zero-tolerance stance on corruption within the public service, warning that corruption would not be tolerated and emphasizing the importance of incorruptibility. He stated, "Take note that corruption is not a choice for public officers."


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