Zimbabwe: CCC Disengages From Parliament, Councils After Recalls

Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change in Harare, on August 27, 2023, at a press conference where he said he disputed the general election results.
11 October 2023

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has announced that his party will be disengaging from Parliament and local authorities following the controversial recall of 15 CCC legislators by Sengezo Tshabangu, who claims to be the party's interim secretary general.

Speaking during a press conference in Harare, the opposition leader gave a two-week ultimatum to have the matter resolved.

"When we say disengage, we do not mean that they have withdrawn. We are saying no business will be transacted until remedy and justice are done through the mechanism we have agreed upon," said Chamisa

He said the party has informed key stakeholders, both national and international, about the critical situation.

"We are putting on notice all key stakeholders, including Civil Society, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union (AU), and the United Nations (UN), that we have a constitutional crisis and a disputed election in Zimbabwe," he said

Chamisa added "We have disengaged, but withdrawal is also on the cards, and it may plunge the country into a deeper crisis. We already have a constitutional crisis, but there is going to be a worse one if there is no justice on the issues that are at play. We can't allow the same tactic and the same trick to be used twice."

The 15 legislators mainly from Matebeleland and one from Harare were recalled after Tshabangu had written to the Speaker of Parliament saying they had seized to be members of the party.

However, CCC dismissed his claims saying the party does not have the position of interim secretary general and that Tshabangu is not a member of the party.

Yesterday, party interim organising secretary and Mkoba legislator Amos Chibaya contested the Speaker's decision to no avail leading to chaotic scenes in the House as CCC lawmakers erupted into song and dance protesting Mudenda's ruling.

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