Kenya Teams Up With America's Human Development Fund to Enhance Education Access

15 October 2023

Nairobi — The Ministry of Education has joined hands with the Human Development Foundation (HDF) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance the quality of education in the country.

The primary objective of this partnership is to expand access to high-quality education in the counties of Garissa, Mandera, and Kisii.

The Human Development Foundation, a non-profit organization based in the United States of America (USA), is dedicated to comprehensive development and the eradication of poverty. Together with the Ministry of Education, they will work on implementing a pilot program aimed at uplifting the educational standards in these counties.

The responsibilities of the Ministry of Education will include overseeing the successful execution of this program. HDF, on the other hand, will contribute digital devices, establish internet connectivity, and set up systems to access educational content in five schools across the three counties.

During the signing ceremony, which was graced by the Cabinet Secretary of Education, Ezekiel Machogu, it was highlighted that Kenyan expatriates hold high regard for the country's educational system. Some are even opting to send their children back to Kenya for education due to the strong values embedded in the Kenyan curriculum.

Officials from HDF also committed to supporting educational institutions in the specified regions by gifting 35 computers for use in educational and training facilities. This collaborative effort between the Ministry of Education and HDF is expected to significantly enhance access to quality education in these counties.

Ministry of Education and Human Development Fund (HDF) Collaborate to Enhance Education Access in Kenya

In a significant development, the Ministry of Education in Kenya has joined hands with the Human Development Foundation (HDF) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding. The primary objective of this partnership is to expand access to high-quality education in the counties of Garissa, Mandera, and Kisii.

The Human Development Foundation, a non-profit organization based in the United States of America (USA), is dedicated to comprehensive development and the eradication of poverty. Together with the Ministry of Education, they will work on implementing a pilot program aimed at uplifting the educational standards in these counties.

The responsibilities of the Ministry of Education will include overseeing the successful execution of this program. HDF, on the other hand, will contribute digital devices, establish internet connectivity, and set up systems to access educational content in five schools across the three counties.

During the signing ceremony, which was graced by the Cabinet Secretary of Education, Ezekiel Machogu, it was highlighted that Kenyan expatriates hold high regard for the country's educational system. Some are even opting to send their children back to Kenya for education due to the strong values embedded in the Kenyan curriculum.

Officials from HDF also committed to supporting educational institutions in the specified regions by gifting 35 computers for use in educational and training facilities. This collaborative effort between the Ministry of Education and HDF is expected to significantly enhance access to quality education in these counties.

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