Uganda: Lira RCC Intervenes in Pentecostal Christian Wrangles

15 October 2023

Lira Resident City Commissioner, Lawrence Emmy Egole has intervened in the affairs of Yahweh Pentecostal Christians hailing from the districts that make up Lango subregion.

Christians of Yahweh Pentecostal churches from districts that makes up Lango sub region have in the past accused government officials and security of colluding with their fellow Pentecostal Assemblies of God in the dispute over church ownership and land , a matter that is in court.

Following several complaints with no success, the Christians petitioned President Museveni in a letter they handed to the Lira RCC.

According to the leader of the Yahweh Pentecostal Mission, Bishop Joel Mukalu they decided to petition the president through the RCC after betrayal by the area Members of Parliament.

Speaking in response, the RCC promised to deliver the petition to President Museveni.

"Don't expect any response from me because you have written to the president of Uganda. I would like to thank you for being peace loving citizens of Uganda. Above all you're the people who connect our directly to God through prayers," Egole said.

He asked the Christians to remain calm in the process of waiting for the president's response noting that he is a person who listens to everyone's concern regardless of their status.

However, there was chaos as police led by the DPC, Joseph Bakaleke fired teargas to disperse some of the group members.

The DPC together with the RCC late apologized for the incident that they said wasn't intended.

Bishop Mukalu however asked the RCC to ask security agencies in the area to stop mistreating the believers .

Yahweh Pentecostal Mission, is a parallel faction of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Mission and the two factions have for long been in dispute over ownership of churches and other properties within the Lango Sub-region.

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