Kenya: Govt Committed to Implementation of Elusive Two-Thirds Gender Rule - Gachagua

14 October 2023

Nairobi — Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has said the government is committed to implement the two-thirds gender principle by including more women in leadership positions.

Speaking on Friday during the national women congress of United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party, Gachagua said the Kenya Kwanza administration has already rolled out a robust strategy that will see an increased in number of women serving in top government positions.

He said government has taken steps to empower women economically and enhance their participation in leadership.

"Women of Kenya have a serious space in President William Ruto's administration. This is the reason why the President appointed a high number of women in government leadership," Gachagua said.

"The Women serving in the Cabinet have not let him down. They have performed exceedingly well and continue to do so," he added.

More women ambassadors

Gachagua said in the recent ambassadorial appointments by President Ruto, 40 per cent of the appointees were women.

Deputy President asked female leaders not to let down the President so that in future he appoints more women.

"Women are truthful, honest, trustworthy and steady. The place of women in our Government is secure. It is upon those of you in leadership to change perception that women cannot lead. Make sure and prove to your fellow women and male counterparts that you can lead," he added.

Gachagua urged women to seek elective positions in the 2027 General Election and participate in competitive politics without getting intimidated.

"The place of women in the Kenya Kwanza Administration is safe. It is upon the women to contest. Fight for your space. Those elected fought for their space. Take your rightful space in leadership and do not be cowed or intimidated. Take advantage of the fact that you have a President who supports women leadership," he said.

Deputy President pointed that female voters played a key role in catapulting President Ruto to power and that his bid would have flobbed were it not for their support.

"On behalf of the President, we are grateful for your support during the last elections. Were it not for women, President Ruto would not have won because the journey to his election victory was not easy. It was marked by multiple hurdles," Gachagua said.

"Women support was genuine and the President remains grateful to women over their support and prayers. Please continue praying for him as he executes his duties."

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