South Africa: Amazon Invites Sellers to Sign Up to Its Platform, Set to Go Live in 2024

The American e-commerce giant announced it would be open for business in the new year, but kept its cards close to its chest, saying only that it would happen sometime 'in 2024'.

Amazon is calling for sellers to sign up to its platform ahead of its official launch in South Africa.

The American e-commerce giant announced it would be open for business in the new year, but was keeping its cards close to its chest by saying only that it would happen sometime "in 2024".

Whichever of the 366 days of the new year it chooses to officially launch, has already opened the door to independent sellers to launch their businesses by registering on

Amazon offers two flexible selling plans: Individual and Professional. Those who wish to sell in small volumes (fewer than 40 items) can sign up for the Individual plan, which costs R10 an item. Professional sellers pay R400 a month and sell in greater volumes. For a limited time, Amazon is offering sellers a Professional account with a R1 monthly selling fee (regular price, R400). They also have access to Amazon's APIs, advanced tools and the ability to sell in restricted categories.

To get started, sellers need to have the following:

  • Bank statements
  • Credit/debit card
  • A national ID
  • Phone number

An Amazon statement said more than 60% of sales on its platform were from independent sellers, mostly SMMEs. DM...

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