Tanzania: Fire, Rescue Force Warns Kagera Residents of Impending Floods

Bukoba — KAGERA: THE Tanzania Fire and Rescue Force Kagera Regional Officer-in Charge Senior Assistant Commissioner (SACF) Zabron Muhumha has warned residents in the region to take necessary precautions on impending floods amid reports that most areas have started receiving rains.

Equally, he advised people living in flood prone areas to shift to safer areas.

He issued the warning following heavy rains accompanied by strong winds which pounded several Muleba District's Karambi Ward on Sunday morning, resulting in the unroofing of over 150 houses.

Muleba District Commissioner (DC) Dr Abel Nyamahanga was quoted saying that rain accompanied by strong winds pounded several villages in the area, unroofing over 150 houses in the process. However, there were no casulaties on human lives.

"The District Security Committee has already visited Karambi Ward, where an assessment was ongoing to know the exact number of households who need interventions," he said.

He explained that among buildings affected by the strong winds include three primary schools and classrooms at one secondary school. However, there were no casualties to human lives, he said.

Notorious areas swept by frequent floods in Bukoba Municipal Council include Omugikusha, Kanoni (Bilele Ward), Kashabo and Shabridin (Bakoba), Matopeni (Kashai) and parts of Nyamkazi (Bilele Ward).

"People living in flood prone areas should shift to safer areas for their own safety while fishermen conducting fishing business along Lake Victoria should also be careful following strong winds. Parents, on the other hand, should not allow their children to go alone on the Lake shores or whamming into the lake to avoid drowning," he said.

SACF Muhumha explained that during this period most parts may experience excessive soil moisture and flooding which may affect crop and farm management. Farmers need to get prepared to make use of the rains and brace for likelihood of excessive rain," he said.

A recent report by the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) indicate that Kagera Region was among regions which would experience normal and above normal rainfall between October to November, this year.

Issuing the weather forecast report for October to December 2023 rainfall season (Vuli), the TMA Acting Director General Ladislaus Chang'a said most of the Coast and Lake Victoria regions will receive above normal to normal rains between October and December during the vuli rains season.

The Vuli 2023 rains are expected to start during the fourth week of September, 2023 over the western part of Lake Victoria basin (Kagera, Geita, Mwanza, Shinyanga, Simiyu and Mara regions) and spread to other areas during October 2023.

"Farmers are advised to prepare their fields, plant, weeding and use relevant farm inputs timely and are further advised to use the best methods and technologies to prevent water stagnation in the field, erosion and loss of soil fertility and choose the right seeds and crops for this Vuli season.

In addition, it is recommended to strengthen the agricultural infrastructure and control crop pests and diseases timely to reduce potential impact," he said.

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