Kenya: Sakaja Apologises to Vendors Harassed By City Askaris, Gives Them Sh10,000 Compensation

19 October 2023

Nairobi — Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has apologised to street vendors who were targeted by county security personnel Wednesday and their trolleys confiscated.

Through a statement on his X account, Sakaja regretted the incident and pledged to take action on those found culpable.

"I have ordered the immediate release of all confiscated items, apologized to the traders, and personally compensated each of them to the tune of Sh10,000 each," he stated.

"We have had cordial relations with informal traders for a year but lately there have been unfortunate incidences that seek to sabotage that. We will take disciplinary action."

While the traders may have been operating without the necessary documentation Sakaja noted that they shouldn't have been evicted in the manner that they were.

"Operating without the required documentation, including a Medical Certificate from Public Health that every food handler must-have for the safety of Nairobians, they did not deserve such treatment and we are dealing with this internally."

Nairobi County Inspectorate officers on Wednesday embarked on a crackdown on popular 'smokie-mayai' vendors leaving behind a trail of destruction.

In photos circulated online, vandalised trollies common with smokie-mayai vendors could be seen strewn on the streets, with owners standing by counting losses.

In another photo, several trollies impounded by the county askaris and piled together were seen being loaded into a truck.

Eggs and smokies could also be seen thrown all over the pavement, with broken glass beside them, an indication of the destruction from the push and pull between the law enforcers and the hawkers.

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