Kenya: Kalonzo Pleads With Court to Halt Mavoko Demolitions Amid Row

19 October 2023

Nairobi — Wiper Leader, Kalonzo Musyoka, made an impassioned plea on Thursday before the Environment and Lands Court in Machakos County seeking a halt to the ongoing demolition of property situated on the East African Portland Cement (EAPC) land in Mavoko.

In his submission, Musyoka asked the presiding Judge to administer justice to the affected people totaling about 25, 000 who had acquired portions of the land and had constructed buildings upon it.

Musyoka is a participant in the legal proceedings initiated by the Aimi Ma Lukenya Society (AMLS).

The society has been entangled in a legal dispute with EAPC concerning the true ownership of the land in question, an expanse estimated by Musyoka to encompass approximately 4,298 acres.

"We urge that you issue the necessary orders of immediately stopping these evictions because what is happening is a crime against humanity so that the people can salvage whatever little there is to salvage," Musyoka submitted.

The society suffered a major blow in the legal dispute on October 9, 2023, after a Machakos High Court struck out its case on grounds that it failed to comply with its orders to serve EAPC with court documents.

The ruling subsequently meant that the EAPC were the real owners of the land prompting them to sanction the demolitions.

Musyoka in his submission however underscored that it was imperative for the court to deliver justice and "demonstrate that this country is under the rule of law."

He added that the demolitions had starkly highlighted the distressing suspension of fundamental human rights for the affected individuals, thus elevating it to an issue of pressing national significance.

"This matter goes to the conscience of a nation. A population is under siege and the evictees' rights have been trumped upon," he said.

At the same time, the former Vice President decried that certain unidentified individuals responsible for the demolitions had turned to diversionary strategies.

He cited the summoning of the Mavoko MP Patrick Makau by the DCI, who was later interrogated regarding any potential connection or awareness of the contested land.

President William Ruto's allies from the Ukambani region have accused Musyoka of being involved in the controversial sale of the Mavoko land.

They have alleged that Musyoka and Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti have been selling the land to private developers without the consent of the community.

Musyoka has however denied these allegations adding that he is only fighting for the rights of the residents who are facing eviction from the land.

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