Uganda: Environmentalists Alarmed By Continued Pollution of Lake Bunyonyi Ecosystem

19 October 2023

Lake Bunyonyi, nestled in the picturesque South Western Uganda, has long been celebrated for its crystal-clear waters, lush hills, and charming islands.

However, the serene beauty of this natural wonder is under threat as human activities, particularly car washing, pose a significant concern for environmentalists and authorities in the Kigezi sub-region.

Car washing, seemingly harmless at first glance, has raised alarms among conservationists due to the runoff water it generates.

This water, contaminated with oils and grease, poses a severe threat to Lake Bunyonyi's delicate ecosystem and the neighbouring wetlands, including Nyamuriro, a vital source of domestic water.

Jimmy Muheebwa, the Deputy Executive Director of Nature Uganda, a local conservation NGO and Jane Amumpaire, the Rubanda district Natural Resources Officer emphasize the potential consequences of this pollution.

They point out that the tourism industry around Lake Bunyonyi, which includes activities such as bird watching, nature walks, swimming, canoeing, boat riding, zip-lining, and enjoying scenic views, could all suffer if the pollution continues unchecked.

Local leaders including Stephen Ampeire Kasyaba, the Rubanda District chairperson and Patrick Abenimwe, the Muko Sub-county chairperson have initiated an assessment of the environmental impact of washing bays around the lake.

These argue that combined efforts are needed to conserve this lake.

Despite the Rubanda District Council passing environmental protection bylaws last May, enforcing these regulations remains a challenge due to underfunding of the natural resources department

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