Kenya: Why Xi's Meeting With Ruto Is a Blueprint for Africa-China Relations

20 October 2023

As President William Ruto met with President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People this week in Beijing during the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, the enduring friendship between China and Kenya came to the fore. Their discussions were not merely symbolic but rather a blueprint for fostering stronger ties between the two nations and a significant marker in the story of Africa-China relations.

China and Kenya share a history of friendship that spans six decades, marked by mutual respect, support, and cooperation. Over the years, they have evolved into genuine friends, equal partners, and reliable collaborators on the international stage. Their successes in jointly implementing Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects, such as the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway and the Mombasa Port oil terminal, have brought tangible benefits to Kenya, underlining the win-win nature of their cooperation.

Underlying the discussions was a strategic and long-term perspective. China's readiness to support Kenya's independent pursuit of modernization, tailored to its unique circumstances, is a testament to their commitment to non-interference and respect for sovereignty. They pledged to exchange governance experiences, strengthening their bonds as partners committed to one another's progress.

This principle of non-interference stands as a cornerstone of China's foreign policy, setting it apart as a partner that fosters mutually beneficial relations.

The "green channel" for African agricultural exports to China signifies China's openness to Kenya's high-quality produce. Such opportunities represent a symbiotic relationship, opening doors for Kenyan goods in China's burgeoning market. The endorsement of more Chinese investment in Kenya, especially in the digital economy and new energy sectors, reflects the depth of their partnership.

This approach aligns with the overarching goals of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which seeks to create connectivity and opportunities, not only within China but across the globe. For Kenya, this represents a chance to propel its high-quality, distinctive products into the hands of Chinese consumers.

Cooperation in cultural and educational exchange programs like the Confucius Institute and Luban Workshop will further deepen the ties between the nations, ensuring they not only collaborate on a governmental level but foster people-to-people connections. Multilateralism and the pursuit of common interests of developing countries were reaffirmed as their shared goal in international settings.

The signing of business deals worth KSh63 billion across diverse sectors signifies the commitment of both nations to drive economic growth and foster an environment conducive to business development.

One of the standout achievements during this visit is the signing of a significant Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Kenyan government and Huawei, a prominent Chinese technology corporation. This MoU extends their collaboration to enhance Kenya's information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure, promoting digitalization in key sectors such as transportation, e-government, education, and digital energy. This forward-looking partnership aligns with Kenya's pursuit of a digital future and underscores the potential for technological advancements to transform various aspects of the nation's development.

Another noteworthy agreement is the partnership between Kenya and China's Energy International Group, which holds the promise of modernizing Kenya's power system. By enhancing reliability and efficiency, this collaboration addresses a vital component of Kenya's development agenda - a robust and sustainable energy infrastructure.

These agreements demonstrate the depth of collaboration between Kenya and China, focusing not only on economic growth but also on technological advancement and sustainable development. They underline the substantial benefits that can arise from international partnerships that seek to harness each country's strengths for mutual prosperity. As Kenya continues its journey toward economic growth and technological advancement, these partnerships are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the nation's future.

During the bilateral talks, President Ruto commended China's successful hosting of the Belt and Road Forum, acknowledging that this global initiative has played a pivotal role in Kenya's progress. The Mombasa-Nairobi Railway, emblematic of this partnership, has not only advanced Kenya's economic capacity but has also positively impacted its people's lives. President Ruto expressed his confidence in the "eight major steps" outlined by President Xi for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, believing that these measures will drive Kenya and Africa toward industrialization, agricultural modernization, and economic integration.

The President of Kenya, unwavering in his country's commitment to the one-China policy, lauded China's stance on human rights and other international issues. Kenya aspires to draw upon China's development experiences and strengthen its practical collaboration and cultural exchanges. This, in turn, will further cement the Kenya-China comprehensive strategic partnership and reinforce Africa-China relations.

The meeting between President Xi and Ruto reflects the depth of the bond between China and Kenya. It highlights a shared commitment to equitable and mutually beneficial cooperation and underscores the profound impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Kenya's development.

Moreover, the diplomatic wisdom displayed during this meeting is a testament to the ever-growing importance of China's engagement with Africa and the promise it holds for the future of the continent. It serves as a reminder that true partnerships, based on trust, mutual respect, and shared goals, can indeed yield results that transform nations and people's lives for the better.

The path that China and Kenya are forging is not just an example but a blueprint for Africa-China relations, demonstrating that by working together, nations can achieve greatness and foster a more prosperous and interconnected world.

As Kenya and China deepen their diplomatic ties, it's essential to recognize that their relationship that dates back 60 years, is not just about two nations; it's about promoting a world in which countries, large or small, cooperate for the collective good, embodying the ideals of diplomacy and partnership that can make our world a better place.

Elijah Mwangi is a scholar based in Nairobi; he comments on local and global matters.

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