Kenya: Gachagua Ready to Work With Opponents in Mt Kenya Unity Bid

22 October 2023

Nyeri — Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has intensified his efforts to unite Mt. Kenya region by declaring his willingness to work with those who opposed his and President William Ruto's candidacy in the last general elections.

Speaking during the Mt. Kenya Golf Tournament held at the Nyeri Golf Club, the DP emphasized that the elections are now in the past, and he is ready to work with those who were on the opposing side for the sake of achieving political and economic unity within the region.

"In the last general elections, this region was divided. In fact, we voted 87 percent for President Ruto, and I, the rest 13 percent, voted for our political rivals. However, I want to say that the polls are over, and I am ready to work with everyone. Let us rally behind our president for the economic prosperity of this region," he said.

The Deputy President stressed that unity is in the best interest of the region, and residents will greatly benefit from working together under the leadership of President William Ruto.

Gachagua's extension of an olive branch to his political opponents comes at a time when discussions about unity in the region are prevalent. Many have called for him and former President Uhuru Kenyatta to put aside their political differences to achieve political stability in this influential voting region.

During the last elections, Deputy President Gachagua and former President Uhuru Kenyatta had differing positions, with the former supporting former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's candidacy under the Azimio party. Their political disagreements even led to legal actions, including corruption charges against Gachagua, intensifying their rivalry.

However, following the elections, some leaders who were initially aligned with one camp have changed course and joined Gachagua's side.

At the event, which attracted over 174 golfers, mainly businesspeople and all Members of Parliament from the region, Gachagua also addressed the reasons behind the high cost of living and the region's declining fortunes.

He attributed the rising cost of living to global factors, such as increasing oil prices due to conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, as well as substantial debts left by the previous administration.

"I know many of you are disillusioned by the rising cost of living, especially fuel costs. This is due to global factors beyond our control. Secondly, we inherited significant debts that we are servicing. That is why we cannot afford subsidies. Instead, we are subsidizing production, especially in agriculture, which is sustainable," explained Gachagua.

He pointed out that by stabilizing agriculture, the country can lower the cost of living. Gachagua also expressed confidence that this year alone, the region will achieve a production of over 40 million bags.

Regarding the delimitation of boundaries, the Deputy President assured the region's residents that no protected constituency will be abolished.

"I know many of you are wondering what will happen to protected constituencies, many of which are in this region. However, I want to assure you that they will not be touched. I also urge you to contribute your views when the boundaries commission solicits input, so we can have more constituencies created in this region," affirmed Gachagua.

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