Uganda: Analysts Demand Cabinet Reshuffle

22 October 2023

Political analysts have demanded an immediate reshuffle of Museveni's cabinet ministers.

The analysts have sighted a growing level of impunity, and arrogance and the president should act very fast to tame their conduct.

The call comes against the backdrop of the nature of behaviour exhibited by the front bench led by the Leader of Government Business in Parliament Robina Nabbanjja and her team who were cautioned by Deputy Speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa.

Tayebwa told parliament that he doesn't at all enjoy presiding over a one-sided House.

" That's why we're trying ourselves to see that both sides talk and I have seen how some members on the front bench behave to which is some extent very disrespectful to the presiding officer and above all let us respect colleagues across sides".

On Thursday, Prime Minister Robina Nabbanjja lost her temper on the floor of parliament with the Leader of the Opposition in parliament Mathias Mpuuga over NUP's missing supporters.

Political Analyst Charles Mulozi Olwenyi is concerned that Museveni's growing cabinet is exhausted and has exhibited high levels of arrogance which needs to be checked.

"To date, every Ugandan is expecting a reshuffle and almost 2 and half years is overdue. Museveni should look at appointing individuals and half of his cabinet are not contributing, they have become parasites and they should be relieved of their duties".

Charles Mulozi Olwenyi disclosed that the country does not need Museveni's 80 ministers because they rarely attend plenary sittings and cannot respond to issues of National importance.

" Museveni should appoint people who love this country at heart and it's possible with the right leaders, the right attitude, mind and interest".

On 8 June 2021, President Museveni reshuffled his cabinet replacing his Vice President Edward Ssekandi with Jesca Aluupo, Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda with Robina Nabbanjja and other new faces like former journalist Agnes Nanduutu state minister for Karamoja and former bush hero Maggie Magode Ikuya state minister for east African affairs.

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