Uganda: Henry Kyemba Eulogised in Parliament As a Humble Servant Who Associated With All

25 October 2023

Parliament has eulogized three-time former Minister and former member of Parliament for Jinja West constituency Henry Kisada Kyemba describing him as a statesman who promoted good governance, justice for all and a humble servant who associated with all above self.

In spite of the Opposition being on boycott of the Parliamentary proceedings, the Leader of the Opposition Mathias Mpuuga says it was common sense to come back and pay tribute to a fallen statesman.

The casket containing the body of the three-time former Minister Henry Kyemba arrived at Parliament at 10 a.m. and was received by Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa and other dignitaries.

The body then lay in state for viewing before being taken to the Parliamentary chambers for Legislators to pay tribute.

The Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa described Kyemba as a man who served his country with a high level of diligence and thanked him for taking time to put down the history of Uganda of what was going on so that even the future generations would be able to know where Uganda has come from.

"This is a man who has served humanity in very many aspects as a Rotarian even at the time of his death, he was still volunteering in aspects where he was touching lives all over. Of course we as students of history who know the black history of this country, know the critical role he played in exposing the evils of the regime of Idi Amin where he mobilized many people to end the brutality that was being meted out on Ugandans," he said

The motion to pay tribute was then moved by the first Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for East Africa Rebecca Kadaga who described the late as a stateman who promoted good governance, justice for all and democracy.

The Leader of Opposition Mathias Mpuuga who seconded the motion started by submitting on their presence in the House in spite of being on boycott.

He said that although their presence today may seem a bit peculiar to some, there was a need to allow common sense to prevail to allow the Opposition to pay tribute to Kyemba.

Mpuuga together with the Dean of independents Livingston Zijjan said the late was an impeccable civil servant and politician with no scandal.

Mpuuga added that although Kyemba served three different regimes, he lost his brother to one of the regimes he served, and called on those in the ruling Government to practice restraint while in power.

"We have the enormous task of portraying the essence of Kyemba, a statesman on one part and politician on the other, some people simply fall as politicians and the other part of them is a world chase. He generously offered time and space to whoever came to him with the thirst and good to learn. Yet in all this, he commanded a high and discerning sense of simplicity which endeared him to many," he said.

The other Legislators also described the late Henry Kyemba as a politician who had great relationships with all great men in this world, practised mature politics and was a humble servant for all.

The late Henry Kyemba was a Principle Private Secretary to both Prime Minister Apollo Milton Obote and President Amin, a Permanent Secretary, and a minister in all three governments of Amin, Obote and Museveni.

The late Kyemba will be laid to rest on Thursday at his ancestral home in Bugembe in Jinja City.

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