Uganda: Shortage of Pit Latrines in Govt Schools Worries Mubende Leaders

25 October 2023

Locals leaders together with parents have asked government to swiftly intervene in the situation of lack of pit latrines in most of the government aided primary schools in Mubende district.

Kafundeezi Primary school located at Lubimbiri Sub county is one the schools facing this challenge yet it has a total number 937 pupils with only six latrines and three of them have been filled to capacity.

The deputy headteacher Twinomugisha Abel told Nile Post that instead of studying, pupils spend most of their time in washing toilets in order to overcome the bad smell, adding that they wash them three times every day.

This has brought fears amongst teachers because they might end up failing to complete the syllabus.

According to the deputy headteacher, this has also left some of pupils contracting diseases related to poor hygiene yet the school has no nurse .

He called upon the government to help construct more toilets at the school.

While speaking about this issue they expressed Godfrey Mugalula, a learner at the school expressed his dissatisfaction saying the pit latrines they are using are in a dire state, smelling too much and that learners are always uncomfortable in class due to bad smell.

Some of the parents on this school were disappointed about the state of hygiene.

Happy Cleaophas, a district councilor and Tumusiime Specioza a parent told Nile post that the latrines are in a dire state, putting the blame on government for failure to construct new ones at its aided school.

Similarly, at Kiwumulo Primary School in Kiyuuni sub county, some teachers who requested to remain anonymous told Nile Post that they share Latrines with pupils .

Margaret Navubya the district Councillor for Kiyuni says that the whole sub county needs help because only 20% of the schools have good latrines .

The district Chairperson Michael Ntambi promised to address the challenges since the district is in preparations for the budget conference set for October, 26, 2023.

Mubende district has a total number of 85 government primary Schools.

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