Tunisia: Second Energy Transition Exhibition - Challenges and Solutions for a Massive Deployment of Re in Tunisia

Tunis/Tunisia — Key national and international experts in the energy sector attended the 2nd International Energy Transition Exhibition "SITE 2023", held at the headquarters of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA).

This second edition, which runs until 27 October, is organised on the initiative of the Photovoltaic Syndicate Chamber (CSPV), in partnership with the Borj Cedria Technopark Management Company and with the support of the GIZ Energy and Climate Programme projects.

The three-day event, held this year under the theme "Dialogue and Innovation Initiative", aims to shed light on the mechanisms to promote the energy transition and raise awareness of innovation and financing opportunities.

On the first day, participants highlighted Tunisia's energy deficit, which is growing year on year, and investment in renewable energy as an "unavoidable choice".

The national energy strategy for 2030 seeks to generate 35% of electricity from renewable sources.

The same strategy aims to reduce the country's carbon intensity by 46% by 2030, recognising that three-quarters of the reduction effort must come from the energy sector. As part of this strategy, Tunisia plans to complete the electricity interconnection project with Italy before the end of 2027. By 2029, a pumping energy transfer station (STEP) will be operational in the Oued El Melah to produce 400 to 600 MW of hydroelectricity, according to the Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company (STEG), which is managing the project.

Once operational, the station will save 250 Ktoe of fuel per year and avoid 525,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

The project, which will be located in the Oued El-Melah, near the village of Zagua, 17 km from the city of Tabarka in the Jendouba governorate, is part of the measures to support the implementation of Tunisia's renewable energy development strategy.

The debates during the first day of the event focused on the challenges to be overcome in order to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Tunisia, in addition to storage and financing the energy transition.

Speaking at the opening of the event, Tayeb Gtari, a member of UTICA's Executive Committee, stressed that "the level of renewable energy use in Tunisia is very low. "Although Tunisia has done its best, we still can't take off," he stressed.

"The situation is alarming and the delay is due to several factors. However, we have to catch up because renewable energy is our only future and we cannot move forward without it," he said.

During the three days, experts and participants in the debates will address strategic, political, technical and financial aspects related to the energy and finance sectors, with the active participation of civil society and technical training centres.

The main topics to be discussed will focus on the achievements and challenges of the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors, sector innovations, energy storage, electric mobility and financing the energy transition.

On the fringes of "SITE 2023", participants will have the opportunity to meet the various players in the energy value chain, in particular public institutions, installers, distributors and manufacturers of renewable energy equipment.

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