Uganda: Danish Students Conduct Environmental Conservation Campaign in Ugandan Primary Schools

26 October 2023

Students from Niels Steenseen School, Copenhagen in Denmark together with Caritas International and Community Integrity Development Initiative(CIDI) have conducted an environmental conservation campaign among primary school pupils in Nakawa Division, Kampala district.

Fr. Daniel Norgdaard , the Danish school Chaplain who accompanied the students said that they decided to bring their learners to Uganda so that they can be able to share knowledge and experiences in environmental conservation with their counterparts in Africa.

"We are here to help people in developing countries to have better life through preservation of environment. Majority of these learners have learnt from this trip that in Uganda there are people who survive on a dollar per day, yet in Denmark there is no poverty which has made people to be a bit spoilt," Fr.Norgdaard said.

He said he was hopeful the Danish students would talk to their parents as they return to their country on how to reduce on their expenditure and use the money on other impactful ventures.

Hellen Kasujja, the Deputy Executive Director CIDI noted that to make environmental conservation sustainable, young people have to be directly involved.

"As CIDI we are mindful of environmental conservation and to this, we have had a series of activities including debating , focusing on environmental conservation in line with development . The idea is that some people think we can't develop without conserving the environment. We can still develop and conserve the environment at the same time," Kasujja said.

She noted that development can be well realized without a country destroying its natural environment, adding that there is need for more community sensitization on this front.

Jacob Nue , the Head of communication Caritas Denmark said that the trip to Uganda is going to help them take back evidence to Danish people that their donation to Uganda has been well utilized and on impactful projects

"I am very proud to be part of Caritas.Personally, I have been in Uganda twice but Ugandans are welcoming people with nice food."

Nakanyike Sylvia Mukasa, the Program Coordinator for Consortium for Uganda Governance and Poverty alleviation program revealed that they decided to dedicate this day , to listen to youth's perspective on climate change since they are the country's future leaders.

"I come from Buikwe district where we had very many natural forests but unfortunately most of them have been cut and replaced with Eucalyptus trees. In conserving the environment, replacing natural forests with Eucalyptus doesn't serve the purpose due to several factors. This message needs to be told to our youths since they are the future leaders of this country," Nakanyike said.

Gerald Mijasi, the Head teacher St James Bbina Catholic Primary school in Nakawa Division , Kampala district , one of the schools visited commended CIDI and partners for creating a great impact in their school in terms of hygiene and environmental conservation.

"Through their several senstization campaigns in the last three years, they have greatly reduced on the rate of school dropout out especially during menstruation period. The pupils and teachers using the knowledge they acquired from CIDI can make reusable sanitary pads and the girls can freely share with colleagues challenges in their menstrual cycle for advice," Mijasi said.

He further added that the water tanks they received as donation from CIDI and partners, have helped them greatly to cut down on the water expenses at the school.

During the visit , the students of Niels Steenseen School , Denmark also interacted with pupils of Luzira Church of Uganda Primary School and St James Bbiina Catholic Primary school as they shared knowledge on various topics including exchanging gifts.

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